Royal Geographical Society
London, United Kingdom
30 August – 2 September 2016
Call for Papers
Feminist Legal Geographies
Co-sponsored by the Gender and Feminist Geographies Research Group & the Geographies of Justice Research Group.
Convenors: Katherine Brickell – Department of Geography, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK and Dana Cuomo – Center for Health & Wellness, University of Washington, US
Since the 1980s, legal geographical research as a trans-disciplinary project has drawn attention to the binding connections between law and space. While recent publications have sought to ‘expand’ the spaces of law studied (Braverman et al, 2014) and explore spatialities of injustice precipitated and/or alleviated through law (Delaney, 2015), in these and many other works in the field, sensitivity to difference and the gendered character of law, its (everyday) material sites, and discourses are limited. By bringing together interdisciplinary scholars whose research examines the themes of law, geography, gender inequality and power, the sessions aim to raise the profile of feminist legal geographies and feminist legal theory in the ‘mainstream’ field of legal geographies. Abstracts are invited which provide cutting-edge research in the Global North and/or South. Themes could include (but are not limited to):
Gender differentiated dynamics, experiences and outcomes of law
Notions of public/private in law
Gender-based violence
Gender and the body
Marriage and family
Reproduction and parenting
Workplaces, wages and welfare
Law and political struggle
Active and intimate citizenship
International law, courts and tribunals
Norm production in law
Legal identity
Legal pluralism
Feminist legal methods and methodologies
We are looking for titles and abstracts of 300 words to be sent to both session conveners by Monday 6th February 2016 (katherine.brickell@rhul.ac.uk/ danacuomo@gmail.com)
Braverman, I., Blomley, N., Delaney, D., & Kedar, A. 2014. Expanding the Spaces of Law: A Timely Legal Geography. Stanford University Press: Stanford.
Delaney, D. 2015. Legal Geography II: Discerning Injustice. Progress in Human Geography. Online before print.