Vacancies on the GFGRG committee

We currently have a number of opportunities to join the GFGRG committee.  Applications are open for Chair, Web Coordinator and a Postgraduate Representative. These vacancies will be filled via a vote at our forthcoming AGM, which will be held at the RGS-IBG event in Cardiff this year. See:
The AGM is on WEDNESDAY 29th August at 13.10 – 14.45 in the Main Building, Wallace Lecture Theatre.  
More details on the roles:
Chair (for 3 years): has oversight of everything!

Web-coordinator (1): This individual will have responsibility for: managing and moderating communications on behalf of the Research Group, across a variety of media (including, but not limited to, the group’s website, Twitter account, any manual mailing lists or automated list-servers and newsletters).
Postgraduate members (1): We are looking for one postgraduate to be on our committee to represent postgraduate needs and concerns, to initiate GFGRG events for postgraduates, be an active member of our committee (see above) and to also organise and lead the GFGRG postgraduate sessions at the annual RGS-IBG conference. Preference may be given to RGS-IBG members. This post is for one year.
Expressions of interest in the above posts can be given up until the start of the AGM either in person or by email to myself ( and/or to our Chair, Katherine Brickell ( If you are not able to attend our AGM but you would like to stand for one of the above posts, please email us a short paragraph outlining which position you are interested in and what experience/skills you have that you think would be useful for the post. 


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