Friday 21st July 10.00am – 4.30pm
Royal Geographical Society, London
Need some help working out your methodology?
Want to learn more about the RGS and it’s research groups?
Or just want to meet some other PhDs and chat through your ideas?
This workshop is designed to help students at the beginning of their PhD journeys to think critically about their methods and methodology and offer a space to meet and chat with other students in an informal atmosphere in the beautiful RGS building in central London.
Session Details
Innovative research methods & methodologies – an active participatory session thinking about how to innovate and make methods effective for ‘real life’ research.
Be Critical! – Round table exercise designed to encourage critical thought around research methods their implications.
10.00 – Registration and casual networking (Coffee/Tea Provided)
10.30 – Introduction (Given by the Postgraduate representatives for the research groups)
10.45 – Key note speaker
12.00 – Lunch and networking
13.00 – Innovative research methods & methodologies
14.15 – Tea break and Networking
14.30 – Be Critical! Round table discussion
15.45 – Closing words
The Cost of the day including lunch is £12 per person.
For more information please contact Eve at
To book please visit the Eventbrite page.