Call for session proposals
The RGS-IBG Gender and Feminist Geographies Research Group (GFGRG) would like to invite expressions of interest for sponsored sessions for the RGS-IBG 2017 Annual Conference, which will take place in London, between Tues 29th Aug – Fri 1st Sept 2017.
The theme for the 2017 Annual Conference, Chaired by Professor Sarah Radcliffe, is Decolonizing Geographical Knowledges: Opening geography out to the world. For more information please visit:
‘Gender and Feminist Geographies’ is intended to cover a broad spectrum of research and session proposals are welcomed from any area of gender and feminist geographical inquiry.
GFGRG is able to sponsor 12 sessions and you are welcome to propose joint sessions to be co-sponsored by another research group. Each session time slot is 100 minutes but is flexible in its format – from standard paper presentations with or without discussant(s) to panel discussions etc.
Advice from the conference organisers for session convenors:
•For timetabling purposes, an individual may not normally make more than two substantive contributions to the conference programme (paper presenter, panel member, discussant, etc.). For individuals proposing multiple co-authored papers, an alternative presenter must be clearly nominated at the time of submitting the session/paper.
•A session may not normally occupy more than two timeslots. Any session organiser requiring more than two timeslots is encouraged to discuss with conference organisers.
•Session organisers are encouraged to consider formats to allow for more discussion, but should ensure that they have sufficient confirmed contributors to allow the session to go ahead if one or two withdraw. For paper sessions, we will consider those with four papers provided there are contingencies for replacing papers should any contributors withdraw. For sessions with fewer than five papers, all presenters must register by the early-bird registration deadline so that the session can be confirmed.
Please send expressions of interest including the proposed session title and abstract (250-300 words including bullet points of specific subthemes if you wish), name(s) of convenor(s), as well as the preferred session format (e.g. papers, panel discussion etc) to us by Monday 5th December 2016.
Please forward enquiries and session proposals to:
Ailie Tam (GFGRG Secretary)