Call for Papers: New and Emerging Research within Gender and Feminist Geography


Royal Geographical Society

London, United Kingdom

30 August – 2 September 2016

 Call for Papers

New and Emerging Research within Gender and Feminist Geography

Sponsored by the Gender and Feminist Geographies Research Group (GFGRG) and the Postgraduate Forum (PGF)

Conveners:Eveleigh Buck-Matthews, Centre for Trust, Peace & Social Relations, Coventry University and Heather Jeffrey, Middlesex University Business School

These sessions are aimed at postgraduates and early career researchers who would like an opportunity to present their research in a supportive and constructive academic environment, and at researchers at all stages of their careers that are interested in presenting papers that actively engage with discussions on current and emerging theoretical or methodological innovations in the field of feminist and gender geography.

‘Gender and Feminist Geographies’ is intended to cover a broad spectrum of research; papers are welcome from any area of feminist and gender geographical inquiry, with the aim of bringing together current and emerging themes, issues and approaches. Papers would are especially welcome that explore how current and emerging themes within feminist and gender geography are interconnected with other areas of geographical thought and practice, such as economic, social, historical and cultural geographies, in line with this year’s conference theme, Nexus.

sunsetResearchers at any stage in their research process are welcome, making the session a great opportunity for early career and post-graduate researchers to get experience presenting their work to an encouraging audience. The sessions will provide a great space to meet and discuss ideas with other researchers in a friendly and relaxed environment.

We are currently seeking contributors for the following sessions:

Sessions 1: Paper presentations: involving five presentations each lasting around 15 minutes with time for questions

Sessions 2: Snapshot presentations: involving ten to fifteen presentations each lasting 2 minutes with the option to use pictures, which will be followed by an open discussion. Whilst this session is open to anyone, we hope it will provide opportunity to those not ready to present full papers to engage in the conference and get feedback on their research ideas. This session is also suitable to those wishing to explore the possibilities and relevance of gender and feminist theory to their research.

Please send abstracts (approx. 250 words) and indication of preferred session to Heather Jeffrey or Eve Buck-Matthews by February 1st 2016.

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