Royal Geographical Society
London, United Kingdom
30 August – 2 September 2016
Call for Papers
Feminist Geographies of Work and the Body
Sponsored by the Gender and Feminist Geographies Research Group (GFGRG)
In current neoliberal contexts, with deepening precarity in labour and increasing inequalities in wealth and access to capital, resources, legal status, technologies, work, there is a need to think about bodily work through feminist lenses. Feminist geographers have long critiqued masculinist definitions of labour that exclude social reproduction and other forms of informal work that are typically carried out by women (Mitchell, Marston & Katz, 2004). They have also contributed an analysis of the body as a distinct socio-spatial scale that is interrelated to other scales. Transnational capitalist and colonialist processes, for instance, are intimately connected to everyday embodied gendered and racialized experiences of labour (Wright, 2006; McDowell, 2009). This session aims to build on the literature at the nexus of work/body/feminisms. We seek interventions from a range of feminist perspectives (critical race, materialist, marxist, crip, queer, trans, Black, Indigenous, women of colour and Third World) that include but are not restricted to the following:
- social reproduction
- precarious and informal forms of labour
- matter/materiality in bodily work (e.g. technologies, foods, drugs)
- work done through the body (e.g. sex(ual) , emotional or affective work) and on the body (e.g. beauty or fitness regimes)
Prospective presenters should submit a 150-word abstract, including a title and their contact information to Negar Elodie Behzadi (elodie.behzadi@sant.ox.ac.uk) Carmen Teeple Hopkins (carmen.teeplehopkins@ouce.ox.ac.uk) Anna Davidson (anna.davidson@ouce.ox.ac.uk) by Wednesday February 10th 2016.