We are delighted to be sponsoring a number of different panels, networking events and book launches at this year’s RGS-IBG Annual International Conference.
Below are the dates, times and places of each of our sessions. Please click on the links for more details of each session:
Wednesday 30th August
Session 1 – 9-10.40
The Costs of Decolonizing the Discipline (1) (Sir Alexander Fleming Building, Lecture Theatre G34)
Transformative Stories: Trauma, Therapeutic Geographies and Hope (Sherfield/SALC Building, Room 5)
Session 2 – 11.10-12.50
The Costs of Decolonizing the Discipline (2) (Sir Alexander Fleming Building, Lecture Theatre G34)
Plenary and lunch – 13.10-14.25
GFGRG mentoring and networking session (RGS-IBG Tea Room)
This lunch time session will provide a space for GFGRG members and non-members to meet and network during the conference. The session is to promote mentoring within the research group, enabling postgraduates and early career researchers to access advice and guidance from more experienced members.
Session 3 – 14.40-16.20
Home futures: towards a critical feminist geography of housing, ageing and health (1) (Skempton Building, Lecture Theatre 201)
Rethinking decolonial and postcolonial knowledges beyond regions (1) (Sherfield/SALC Building, Pippard Lecture Theatre)
Session 4 – 16.50-18.30
Home futures: towards a critical feminist geography of housing, ageing and health (2) (Skempton Building, Lecture Theatre 201)
Rethinking decolonial and postcolonial knowledges beyond regions (2) (Sherfield/SALC Building, Pippard Lecture Theatre)
Thursday 31st August
Session 1 – 9-10.40
Innovative Research within Gender & Feminist Geography (1) (Skempton Building, Room 064a)
Session 2 – 11.10-12.50
Innovative Research within Gender & Feminist Geography (2) (Skempton Building, Room 064a)
Plenary and lunch – 13.10-14.25
GFGRG AGM (Sir Alexander Fleming Building, Room 120)
We are looking to fill the following posts:
Secretary (1): This key role takes the form of organising and minuting of meetings and other GFGRG activities. This role also involves being an active member of our committee attending 3-4 committee meetings a year (usually via Skype) and helping with any other activities/events that GFGRG organises. Preference may be given to RGS-IBG members.This post is for three years.
Membership Secretary (1): We are looking for someone to handle membership promotion, enquiries and sign ups/renewals. This role also involves being an active member of our committee attending 3-4 committee meetings a year (usually via Skype) and helping with any other activities/events that GFGRG organises. Preference may be given to RGS-IBG members.This post is for three years.
Dissertation Prize Co-ordinators (2): This role involves co-organising and co-running our annual undergraduate dissertation prize and being an active member of our committee (see above). We are looking for two people to work alongside our one continuing dissertation prize coordinator. Typical duties include writing to sponsors, managing the assessment of the entries, marketing the prize and communicating with entrants. Preference may be given to members of RGS-IBG. This post is for three years.
Postgraduate members (2): We are looking for two postgraduates to be on our committee to represent postgraduate needs and concerns, to initiate GFGRG events for postgraduates, be an active member of our committee (see above) and to also organise and lead the GFGRG postgraduate sessions at the annual RGS-IBG conference. Preference may be given to RGS-IBG members. This post is for one year.
Ordinary members (up to 2): We are looking for people to join our committee who do not have a designated role, but play an active role in the committee (see above) and help with organising/running our various activities and events. Preference may be given to RGS-IBG members. This post is for three years.
Expressions of interest in the above posts can be given up until the start of the AGM either in person to myself or via email (katherine.brickell@rhul.ac.uk). If you are not able to attend our AGM but you would like to stand for one of the above posts, please email me a short paragraph outlining which position you are interested in and what experience/skills you have that you think would be useful for the post.
Session 3 – 14.40-16.20
Que(e)rying Gender, Tourism and Mobilities (1) (Skempton Building, Room 064a)
Session 4 – 16.50-18.30
Que(e)rying Gender, Tourism and Mobilities (2) (Skempton Building, Room 064a)
Evening – 18.45-20.00
Monograph Launch: Women and Sex Tourism Landscapes by Erin Sanders-McDonagh (RGS-IBG Drayson Room)
Friday 1st September
Session 1 – 9-10.40
Geographies of Safe Space (1): Spaces of embodiment, identity and education (Skempton Building, Lecture Theatre 207)
Session 2 – 11.10-12.50
Geographies of Safe Space (2): Spaces of refuge, shelter and contact (Skempton Building, Lecture Theatre 207)